Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vague Sentence

Today, around 6:30pm, my sister said, " I am going out". Not only was the sentence she said was vague but she also leaved as fast as possible. The reason that she does this is to avoid my mom from asking her questions about the places where she's going or telling her that she should stay home and help her clean the house. I guess that my sister doesn't want my mom to interfere with her plans or her social life. By using this vague statement, my sister was able to prevent my mom from giving her an early curfew and finding out any information about where she's going.

I also use this vague sentence as well when I go out to the movies, play sports, or do random stuff. When my mom doesn't know where I am or where I am going then she can't interrupt with my plans or activities.  

Monday, August 30, 2010

Subjective and Objective Claims

A subjective claim is a statement that is almost likely to be an opinion. The slightly different about the subjective claim is based on the person uses of his/her statement because the statement could be either true or false. An objective claim is likely the opposite of the subjective claim, instead opinions it's almost like a fact.

Here is an example of a subjective claim. Yesterday, my three cousins and I went out to the play basketball at a school nearby. Only one of cousin had a car so we carpool with him. On the way there I turned on the radio, about a minute into the song that was playing on the radio, one of my cousin that was siting back seat interrupts me. He said, "This is song suck so bad". This claim that my cousin made was a subjective claim because it was his personal belief and feelings toward the song. I guess he didn't like that types of music because my other two cousin and I didn't find the song to be bad at all.

This is an example of an objective claim. About a week ago, I went to see an eye doctor or an optometrist. After the optometrist finish the check ups with me he said, "Your right eye is a lazy eye". At first I didn't know what it mean but after he ran another test with me I noticed it. During the test, the optometrist cover my left eye I could barely read the letters off the board. When he cover my right eye I could see the letters. I noticed that my left eye's vision is much better than my right. This is an objective claim because it's like a fact, it doesn't matter about my opinion or anyone else.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Introductory Post

Hello Everyone!

This is my third year attending San Jose State University. I did not declare on a major yet but I planning to go into accounting for now. I have interests in some sports such as basketball, tennis, and badminton. My hobbies are reading comics, surfing the internet, and play video games. This is my first time taking an online course and I hope that it will a great learning experience for me.