Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vague Sentence

Today, around 6:30pm, my sister said, " I am going out". Not only was the sentence she said was vague but she also leaved as fast as possible. The reason that she does this is to avoid my mom from asking her questions about the places where she's going or telling her that she should stay home and help her clean the house. I guess that my sister doesn't want my mom to interfere with her plans or her social life. By using this vague statement, my sister was able to prevent my mom from giving her an early curfew and finding out any information about where she's going.

I also use this vague sentence as well when I go out to the movies, play sports, or do random stuff. When my mom doesn't know where I am or where I am going then she can't interrupt with my plans or activities.  


  1. I also say that to my parents too. I want to avoid confrontation at all costs. Sometimes I say, "I am going now, bye!" Then I try to leave as fast as I can. I am pretty sure that your sister does not want your mom to know what her plans are. I sure wouldn't want my mom to know, haha.

    Usually my parents know where I am going. I am usually going to work majority of the time or hanging out with my boyfriend. So sometimes they don't need to know. Sometimes I can't avoid the situation, so I have to tell them where I am going. But that's okay, they always let me go. =)

  2. I like how you used, "I am going out" as your example of a vague sentence because I think it is like, the epitome of a vague sentence. I'm sure everyone and their mother has used that sentence in order to make a fast and easy get away from dealing with their parents grueling questions.
    I personally try using that line in order of getting out of answering a ton of questions about my plans, but somehow I always seem to get caught before heading out the door and am drilled with a million questions about who I'm hanging out with, where I'm going, when I'm going to be back.
    So now I learned to just tell them "I'm going out with Brianna, we're going to the mall, be back at 5" and then run before they can ask for anymore details :)
