Thursday, September 16, 2010

So It's Bad, So What?

After finishing reading chapter 11 of Epstein today, the concept that I found that was interesting was the “So It’s Bad, So What?”. This section explains about dealing with bad arguments. The concept describes that if you were to involve in a bad argument you should try to discuss or explain it more thoroughly.  According to the text, arguments that violates the Principle of Rational Discussion is when the arguments are so bad that it’s beyond repair or when someone is trying to mislead you to another subject. Putting emotions into an argument can also be bad as well. By discussing with the person with their argument thoroughly it can sometimes be beneficial of for that person and yourself. When helping the person with his/her argument you shouldn’t try to him/her feel bad. Instead, explain why his/her argument is bad or tell him/her to support their premises more; it will be educated that person to avoid bad arguments. Overall, I found this concept to be interesting and useful.

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