Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Structure of Arguments

For this exercise I chose example 2.

I’m on my way to school.1  I left five minute late.2  Traffic is heavy.3 Therefore, I’ll be late for class.4  So I might as well stop and get breakfast.5

Argument? Yes
Conclusion: I will be late for class, so I might as well stop and get breakfast.
Additional premises needed? I believe that there should be a premise after the forth sentence. The reason for the premise to be after the forth sentence is because the conclusion needs to be explained. Adding a new premise before the conclusion would explain why it’s okay to stop and get breakfast.  
Identify any sub argument: Sentences 1, 2, and 3 are independent sub arguments that lead to sentence 4.
Good argument? This is a good argument because it connects and easy to understand where it going. Without the added premise before the conclusion, this argument would not be efficient as it is.

I find this exercise to be useful because it helps you learn about the structure of arguments. I learn that when analyzing an argument you need to look at premises because that what makes up the argument.

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