Friday, October 1, 2010


For section C of chapter 5 in Epstein, it describe how advertisements can sometime be accurate or not. Claims from ads are up to personal experiences and judgment; It up to the person,  whether he or she believe that the advertisement is true or false. They could either chose to accept, reject, or suspend the judgment of the claim. For this post I chose one of my favorites advertisement:Click Here!

 I believe most of you have at least saw this ad once somewhere, so far I have seen this ad on commercials while watching TV, at the movies, and some where on news on the Internet about a few months ago. If it’s your first time seeing this ad, then I am pretty sure that you’ll find confusing, maybe funny, and it probably doesn’t make any sense; which was my experience when I saw this ad for the first time. 

The message of this ad is that by using Old Spice body wash, men will smell good and be able to do all of those things that the man in the ad did; which can led to several misunderstandings. I rejected this claim because beside from smelling great for the ladies, it not really plausible that every men will be able to do all of those things like the man in the ad. However, this is my personal judgment for this ad, other people could have different judgment as well. For instance, if someone used this product and its work him, his judgment for this ad would be different from mine. 

 I believe that this advertisement is well made because it can make people into liking it. By watching this ad many times you will probably start liking this ad as I do. Although the ad can led to confusions and misunderstandings at first, it still attracts people because for the same reason. For instance, by watching this ad more, I found it to be funny and was convinced. Even though I do not believe that the ad is plausible, I still find it convincing. This is probably how the ad get people into buy this product.


  1. Hey there! (:

    The Old Spice commercial that you used as an example is one of my favorite advertisements too! I find it amusing and interesting the way they show their product. How it's implying that by using their product men will be able to do the same things and get the same things the man in the commercial demonstrated. Your right that the advertisement is made well and that with it's funny and amusing way of presenting the product can be very convincing for one to buy it. I am a girl and personally I wouldn't buy this because I'm a girl but my guy friends did find this ad convincing and wanted to try it out. But, they did reject the claim that it'll get you all the things the man did although they did like how the way the smelled after using it.

  2. This Old Spice commercial is hilarious. I seriously laugh every time I see it. Saying that men can perform any task by using The Old Spice body wash is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure you cannot do everything in what that commercial shows. But on the other hand, showing humor into the commercial makes men want to buy this body wash. I'm pretty sure men buy the product because of the way it smells, not by its potential 'performance'. I do not accept the claim that they are trying to make. Although it is funny, I do think that majority of men buy it for its scent.

  3. Ultra creative advertisement! i was having a hard time looking for advertisements to link on my blog but i liked the youtube. The old spice commercial was a great idea it was very funny. this is an obviously a great way to get people to get to like what is being advertised just like you said in your concluding paragraph. and you are also right, not all men will be able to acheive what is being portrayed in the commercial. however, this is still a clever way to promote and a great advertisement to use for the blog, great job. =]

  4. This advertisement is one of my favorite advertisements of all time! I think all of the new Old Spice commercials are super funny and creative. I agree with the fact that this advertisement has a very weak argument, that any man who uses their products will suddenly be able to do super masculine things. Even though many men would like to think that once they start using Old Spice that they would all of a sudden be capable of doing crazy manly things, they would become greatly disappointed once they find out the advertisement is just for entertainment.
    This advertisement was definitely produced just to make everyone laugh and give the product some screen time.
