Saturday, October 9, 2010


In chapter 7, I found that counter-arguments to be quite amusing. The counter in counter-argument is pretty much as it’s stated. Meaning that it’s somewhat against an argument but not exactly. According to chapter 7 of Epstein it explains that in order to confirm that an argument might be bad is by raising objections. By raising objections , it can bring out the dubious premises in the arguments to prove that an argument is weak.

Here is an example between my dad and my little brother a few years ago.
Brother: You should buy me a Wii for my next birthday.
Dad: Why should I? you already have a PS3. (Objection)
Brother: But the new Super Smash Bros. games on the Wii that coming out.
Dad: Buying another game console plus the video game will cost too much money! (Objection)
Brother: It’s shouldn’t cost that much; it’s cheaper than the PS3 and you can move around more playing the Wii. I could also chip in some of my money.
Brother: It’s cheaper on sale during the holidays.

In this example my dad raised objections because he wanted to know why he should buy my brother a Wii. Without raising any objections this example probably would not make that much of an argument.

1 comment:

  1. good example it described the lesson well. This actually sounds like something that happened at my house :) I used to work at gamestop ad my sister begged to have me buy her a wii only she didn't have a strong argument as to why she should have it or deserve it.. She had a bunch of other consoles and never used them! But she ended up getting it, playing the mario game(s) afew times and then sold it! Upset, but eh. Lol, good post!
