Saturday, October 23, 2010

Group Assignment Review

The second group assignment was interesting because involves research on an organization. The organization that our group picked was PETA; which was quite amusing. First off, I didn't know much about this organization beside that they were against killing and eating animals. But after looking into their website, I found much more information about them. Using materials that was cover from Epstein also helps me have a better understand while doing the research on this organization. For example, such as reasoning, fallacies, emotion of appeal, and also endorsements are used within PETA articles, slogans, and other. When working as a group it was also enjoyable because our group was able to cooperate very well. The group meeting was also helpful. Our group was able to get down to the subject and broke down the assignment evenly to each member. This assignment was useful because it help me learn about the PETA organization more thoroughly and improved my communication with my group members.

1 comment:

  1. My group also used PETA as an organization and this organization had so much information. But yes I agree with you the concepts that we have learn in this class made it easier to complete this assignment and to analyze the PETA webpage as a group. We also met as a group and discussed the assignment and broke down the assignment on who was responsible for each part of the assignment which was useful. I mean I also thought that PETA had good arguments in their,but I didn't expect them to have weak or bad arguments as well but using the Epstein text help me identified these bad arguments.
