Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cause and Effect Website

I found that the Cause Effect Website to be really helpful and interesting.  The website pretty much explains about the concept of causal argument, which is similar to the inductive argument. I also learned several materials that were related toward this type of argument that I didn’t know. For instance, there are two rules when it comes to causation, the first is that “The cause must precede the event in time”, and the second is that, “Even a strong correlation is insufficient to prove causation”. According to the website it describes three fundamentals that strengthen the causal argument: 

1.How acceptable or demonstrable the implied comparison is
2.How likely the case for causation seems to be
3.How credible the "only significant difference" or "only significant commonality" claim is

It was confusing at first but after reading it a few times I sort of got the idea of it. The example and exercises that were provided in this website were certainly helpful, because it made these concepts much easier to understand.


  1. Hey Phat, I really like your post because you stated two of the rules and fundamentals for causal arguments. It's seems like its always beneficial to do that because in reading your post it gives me a better idea of causal arguments, while at first they were somewhat confusing to me. However, after thinking about it I remembered my trip to the court house for my Business Law class and figured out that causal arguments are always used in the court room because the lawyers of both the plaintiff and the defendant are making these arguments in order to reach the verdict.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. At first I found the website to be kind of confusing but after going over it, I found it to be very helpful. This website explained the concept really well and it used great examples. Many of the examples helped me understand the cause and effect concept even more. One of the things I also learned about was the three fundamentals that you mentioned in your post. I also agree with you that exercises helped out a lot. Without it I probably would not really understand the concept of causal arguments and I would have to do further research to understand it more.
