Saturday, November 13, 2010

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning

When I was doing the post about the examples of the different types of reasoning, I had a little trouble coming up with the examples for inductive and deductive reasoning. It was confusing at first because I got mixed up with the two of them. Anyway after doing a little research on the internet I found that it was quite easy to understand once you understand it. The deductive premise pretty much starts out like a hypothesis or an assumption. The premise or the argument can’t really be argued because the premise is can not be proven; the unproven premise can only be accepted by the person value.  As for inductive reasoning the premises uses data and observation to determine the conclusion.  It doesn’t use unproven premise like deductive that leads to the conclusion.

The website I found was quite helpful with explaining these two types of reasoning. Here the link:

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