Thursday, November 11, 2010

Types of Reasoning

 Here are the different forms of reasoning that we are suppose to cover this week.

1. Reasoning by Analogy

Ex: Bob is a genius because he’s smart. Jack is smart too. Therefore Jack is a genius.

2. Sign Reasoning

Ex: Bob didn’t come to class today, so I guess he’s busy with something else.

3. Causal Reasoning

Ex: I slept in my math class today, because I was up all night doing my economic homework. 

4. Reasoning by Criteria

Ex: Your little sister will want something that’s cute and fluffy for her birthday. How about this pillow that looks like a turtle?

5. Reasoning by Example

Ex: You shouldn’t cheat in college. One of the students in my chemistry class got caught cheating during an exam and he was expelled.

6. Inductive

Ex: All students that we have seen wears backpacks, therefore all students wears backpacks.

7. Deductive

Ex: All apples are fruits. All fruits grow on trees. Therefore, all apples grow on trees.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your post. Your examples were short and simple. It was very easy to follow along and it gave me a better understanding of the different types of reasoning that were provided. I like your third example, casual reasoning, because I can definitely relate to that. Especially since we are college students, there is a lot on our plate which is why I think your example can relate to most students; sleeping in class (effect) was due to staying up late doing homework (cause). I also like your deductive reasoning because it is very simple but it was very well written.
