Thursday, November 4, 2010

Page 195 Exercise 3

When doing the second group project several weeks ago, I noticed that most of PETA advertisement commercials uses the appeal to fear concept to persuade people. PETA shows footage of animals being torture or killed in order to support their organization. The footage that are shown are often bloody and disgusting because that way it will make people scare of eating meat and being cruel to animals.

For the exercises on page 195, I chose the third one:
“Find an advertisement that uses an appeal to fear. Is it a good argument?”

Here is the advertisement that I chose: Link

In this advertisement when the man states, “When you buy a dog from a breeder, you'll kill a dog in the shelter”, shows that people are killing dogs when they are buying them instead of adopting them. Is it a good argument? I believe this is argument is good because it seems plausible. For instance, buying a dog from a breeder may  increase the number of the dogs population, which will cause some dogs to end up in the shelter or worst. Then the process will eventually continue. Fearing those people that buy dogs instead of adopting them was strong message from PETA. It's also an excellent example of an appeal to fear as well.

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